Anchoring plate

The anchoring plate is an excellent way to anchor a window or balcony block, since the plate has a number of undeniable and obvious advantages in comparison with any types of penetrating fasteners, namely: the anchoring plate does not prevent temperature deformations of the profile, when using anchoring plates, no through drilling of profiles is performed, which is especially important in the lower horizontal profile, the plate is a hidden fastener that is not visible when opening the sash, etc. Thus, the anchoring plate not only can, but must be used. However, it must be applied correctly, like any other fastener.

The anchoring plate is necessary for high-quality fastening of the window frame to the wall. It prevents loosening of the structure even after repeated opening and closing of the sashes, forming a reliable and durable connection. Advantages:

– Presence of a galvanized coating;
– Ability to withstand heavy loads;
– Affordable price.

Anchoring plate

Aluplast 4000

Aluplast 7000

Schuco 70

Anchoring plate

Gealan 8000

KBE 70

Anchoring plate